A visitor pokes his head up out of the water!

1981 Ogogopogo Sighting
July 19, 2001

Dan Basaraba of Peachland saw the strange phenomenon twice and took photos both times. The first was on July 19, 2001, and exactly one year later to the day, he was able to take this second image as well.

1986 Ogogopogo Sighting
July 19, 2002

Exactly one year later!

1989 Ogogopogo Sighting
2002 Sighting

Another sighting for Bill Steciuk

2003 Possible Ogogopogo Sighting
August 2003

Jeremy wrote to The Legend Hunters to tell us that his grandparents saw the creature in August 2003.

Another possible 2003 Ogogopogo Sighting
August 2003 Sighting

Steve Lavallee, a DJ with CKLZ Power 104, writes the following story, which he sent to us after seeing a story about the Legend Hunters searching for Ogopogo.

Was this September 2003 sighting a glimpse of Ogogopogo?
September 2003

Scott Tait writes about a sighting shortly after the end of the forest fires in the Kelowna area.

Was this September 2003 sighting a glimpse of Ogogopogo?
November 11, 2003

Steve Tarjan writes about a sighting he and his wife had on November 11,2003, just after 12:00pm above Kalamoir Park.

John Casorso was able to get a video of the creature and allowed us to use these stills taken from that video.
August 9, 2004

John Casorso took video of his "encounter". He has allowed The Legend Hunters to reproduce stills created from his video footage here on this website and to tell the details of his story. The Casorso family have been long-established in the Kelowna area and are well known by many of the City's residents.

An Ogopogo sighting in Summerland.
June 27, 2006

Jill Jellett from Peachland writes about a sighting on June 27th, 2006, in Summerland

Jill Jellett from Peachland had an Ogopogo sighting on June 27, 2006.
Sept. 7, 2006

A photo by M & Gilles Beliveau

Gene Ralston, an authority on using sonar to scan the lakes of North America.
October 2010

Sonar Scan by Gene Ralston

Jeff Cottam took this photo of geese waiting for Ogopogo.
March 2014

Jeff Cottam from Ontario sent us the following details of his sighting while visiting his son in Peachland.

Bill Steciuk had another encounter with the strange creature known as Ogopogo.
May 24, 2015

Bill Steciuk was sitting on his lakeside condo balcony and quickly grabbed his camera.