Production company Partners in Motion invited Bill Steciuk to join the in a two-day expedition searching around Lake Okanagan and two more days near Vancouver Island.
Partners in Motion Expedition

June 2006

In 2006 a production company called Partners in Motion contacted us to do a search for Ogopogo in Lake Okanagan as well as a search for "Caddy" near Victoria, British Columbia. It would involve two days on Okanagan Lake and two days on the east coast off of Victoria. Divers and sonar equipment were to be used to search some of caves on lake Okanaganan in both the Squally Point and Rattlesnake Island locations. The goal was to see if an animal had been using these caves and had left any evidence. After many dives, we found that the caves we explored did not appear to have had any visitors, but with the number of caves at greater depths, there is still much to explore! It was a great time on the lake and we recorded some wonder full underwater film footage.

Arriving in Victoria, our plan was to search the waters around Cadboro Bay for a giant sea serpent named Caddy. This animal has been sighted for hundreds of years in the waters off Vancouver Island in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and there have been hundreds of reports from yachtsmen, fishermen and observers on land of strange creatures, all given the name Cadborosaurus, after a particularly famous sighting in Cadboro Bay. Interestingly, many sighting descriptions of Caddy are not unlike those of Ogopogo in terms of colour, body form and movement.

We left Victoria Harbour the following morning, for the ten mile run to Cadboro Bay, home of the legendary "Caddy". Once there, we spent the better part of the day filming the bottom of the bay looking for some evidence of Caddy. Although we did not discover any proof that these aquatic animals exist, we of course understood that a one-day search in these huge bodies of water cannot prove anything. It was time well spent on the water and we found out that Ogopogo may have a cousin on the west coast. While in the area, we also had the opportunity to visit Petroglyph Park in Nanaimo where First Nations people painted petroglyphs depicting Cadborosaurus, known as "Caddy", which they believed protects the sacred spirits of the land and animals on the West Coast.

A production company called Partners in Motion requested that Bill Steciuk join them on their search expedition.
View from top of Rattlesnake Island
Ogopogo has been sighted many times in the general area of Squally Point.
There are many caves under Squally Point
In search of Caddy
BC's West Coast has its own Legend - "Caddy"