Many sightings along Lake Okanagan, from near Kelowna to near Penticton.

1981 Ogogopogo Sighting
1981 - Photo taken by a Wachlin family member.

It was right around Regata time, July 24, 1981, around 1:00pm. We were in a rented ski boat and were running on the west side of the lake in the vicinity of Peachland, just a bit northwest of the tip of Rattlesnake Island.

1986 Ogogopogo Sighting
1986 Sighting Reported in 2018

"I have not reported this story publicly before now as it is just too unbelievable. This sighting occurred in late July of 1986.

1989 Ogogopogo Sighting
1989 Sighting

Hunting guide Ernie Giroux and his wife saw a "bizarre animal" emerging from the placid waters.

1989 Ogogopogo Sighting
1987 Sighting

John Kirk reported a sighting while vacationing with his family in Kelowna.

1989 Ogogopogo Sighting
1995 Sighting

Cody and Ingrid saw what was "way more than a wave".

1989 Ogogopogo Sighting
Several Sightings in 2000

Read 4 different accounts of sightings from the same year.

2000 Ogogopogo Sighting
Daryl Ellis Sighting 2000

Marathon swimmer reported being accompanied for a short distance during his swim by two large creatures as he passed Rattlesnake Island.